
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Showin' You The Money!

I don't know about you but I've been in various MLMs before and never saw a dime except the ones that left  my pocket each month to pay for the product I had to keep on hand each month. And whenever I asked my upline how much they were actually making, they never actually said; it was all very vague. Not very encouraging to say the least.

Or, another scenario that I've experienced is seeing screen shots of people's PayPal accounts filled with tons of sales that add up to hundreds (if not thousands) in their accounts each week. Kind of exciting but, in my opinion, misleading too because they make it sound like all you have to do is sign up with them and instantly your PayPal account will be filled with said money (oh, and they never mention how many systems you have to buy along the way).

Well...guess what? No vagueness or misleading here. We just got our first check after only being involved with Zurvita since July 28th! Yep! $200! Check it out!

I am so stinkin' thrilled it's crazy! I mean, who can't use an extra $200 in their pocket? I know we can and if you find yourself in a similar financial situation (struggling like so many people out there), so can you.  And what's even better is that our Zurvita family (who also happens to be part of our marriage ministry family) helped us get there!

It's the body ministering to the body in more ways than one! How cool is that?

If you could use some extra money yourself or know of someone who could, and if you have about 8 minutes, just take a look at this site and then give us a call. We'd really like to chat with you, whether you decide to partner with us or not.


Really. Really.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Starting A Home Business

So here we go - Michael and I have started a home based business! Mmmm MLM, network marketing, levels, down lines, up lines, residual income...the whole shebang! No product to carry which is cool and we're still navigating our way through the training which is extensive but really user friendly.

The company is called Zurvita and while the services it offers are enhancements to those we already use on a regular basis, what really impressed us is what the company was founded on: glorifying God, providing strong yet humble leadership, and creating an environment where people can succeed at every level. Awesome!

And that's as corporate as we want this blog to be.

What we want to be here is REAL when it comes to the everyday of workings of a home based business and to help others who embark on this journey too. In addition to helping you succeed along with us, we will also offer help in your marriage, home and family life because they're all wrapped up together.